Social entrepreneurship in “Cigir”

in "Cigir"

What is social enterpreneurship?

Social entrepreneurship is a type of business activity based on the dedication of people whose main goal is to solve a certain problem. As a public union supporting the development of moral values, holding onto our vision of “compassion”, we consider ourselves responsible for the development of social entrepreneurship. We try to expand our impact of catering towards a noble cause, especially the upbringing of the younger generation.

Social Enterpreneurship in "Cigir"

"The Gardener's Garden"

One of our social entrepreneurship projects aimed at positive change in our society is the “Gardener’s Garden” floriculture project.As part of the “Gardener’s Yard” project, our volunteers and orphan students are engaged in the cultivation, social media marketing and sale of various hand-picked indoor plants and flowers. The project is based on the motto “Mercy in every heart” and instills these values in people.

It is a business activity that stems from social responsibility and is aimed at solving community issues.

"Amber Soap"

Amber Soap brings together young people and female volunteers who produce and sell decorative soaps with fragrant and essential oils. Our volunteers make the decorative soaps, design them in various creative concepts, our media team take stellar product photographs, post them on social media and sell them. Together we witness the moments when art and aesthetics meet with kindness

NGOs, by engaging in voluntary activities to solve community problems and playing an active role in raising public awareness, share the core values with social entrepreneurs.

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"Mulk" - Azerbaijan's first social enterprise store

As a social enterprise retail store – “Mulk”, our subsidiary trading center, was born from the hard work and dedication of a handful of women. Every bit of shopping in our store will give you a chance to meet your own needs and support the needs of others at the same time.

"Maidah Textile"

Maidah Textile was launched as a social enterprise for widows. Maidah Textile supports both women who want to continue their work in a tailor’s shop and those who want to start their own business. The tailors of the Maidah Textile workshop started to sew bags, purses and booklets from environmentally friendly fabrics (mainly linen) to support the scholarship project. The products made by Maidah Textile which has a high quality, delicate taste get high customer satisfaction, as well as  appear more frequently in various local exhibitions.

We realised that social entrepreneurship, like social services can be implemented in any sector.


    Yalnız gəlirin ünvanı ilə deyil, ilk başdan insanların cəm olub, bərabər fəaliyyətlə həqiqi sosial sahibkarlıq layihəsi olması ilə düşbərə digərlərindən fərqlənir. Beləliklə, ilk anından sosial fəaliyyətə əsaslanan düşbərə layihəsinin son anı, yəni satış və mənfəət tərəfi də birbaşa sosial fəaliyətdir. Düşbərə bükümü layihəsi təhsil, sosial güc, fiziki və əqli bacarığından asılı olmadan bütün qadınları eyni masa arxasında sevgi və şəfqətlə bir araya gətirən layihələrimizdəndir.

Social enterpreneurship education aims to develop sensitivity to social issues and practice empathy.


The “Conscientious” project is one of our projects allowing single mothers to gain economic freedom through their work and skills, aiming to strengthen and help them feel valued. 

The “Conscientious” project is a call to the spiritual world of those who value their mother’s work. The value that a person gives to hard work is important for the formation of personality. Mother is conscientious – she raises her child with hard work. You are conscientious – you value hard work and become a benefactor of a family. By appreciating the hard work of the mothers who prepared those food at home with full of hope, you get the opportunity to be the light for the family that looks forward to the future and to society with confidence and hope.