Finding the way to their heart is the shortcut to the greater goals!
Our strategy branches out in 3 directions:
- Shine a light of hope for orphans;
- Stand up for the families to grow in confidence;
- Sustain and develop moral values in a society.
Our Work
Our strategy branches out in 3 directions:
Orphan is the mirror of society. Whilst connecting, empathising, honouring and elevating with orphans, we also aim at inviting others to work towards the preservation and development of spiritual values in the society. Doing and calling for charity, sharing, altruism is the basis of a healthy society.
Our vision is protecting the moral values in the society, empowering the grounds of tolerance, mercy in society through putting especial emphasis on the orphans.
Orphans, Families, Society as a whole.
We direct our finances towards:
1.Orphan sponsorship schemes;
2.Sponsoring projects;
3. Pool.
In addition to financially supporting orphans through sponsorship schemes, our projects aim at improving:
2. Education;
3. Health;
4. Psychology.